I only offer coaching services for women because divorce is a delicate time. Feeling lost, lonely, and unappreciated during divorce is normal. Many folks are longing for someone to see them and validate them the way their ex never did. It is easy to project unfulfilled sexual desires onto the opposite sex. This is why so many jump into a new relationship during divorce. In therapy, this is called transference.
Due to transference being a common coping mechanism, I strongly believe that men are better suited doing their men's work with male coaches. For this reason, if you are a man contacting me for coaching, I will not respond. This is a strong boundary for my professional and personal health and well-being.
The good news is that there are numerous men's coaches, workshops, podcasts, and platforms available to support you. Below are my recommendations.
I wish you the best on your transformational divorce journey!
John Wineland - https://www.johnwineland.com
Evolving Man - https://evolvingman.com
Man Talks - https://mantalks.com
The Angry Therapist - https://www.theangrytherapist.com
Create The Love - https://createthelove.com
The Lifestylist, Luke Storey - https://www.lukestorey.com/lifestylistpodcast
The Good Men Project - https://goodmenproject.com
Sacred Sons - https://www.sacredsons.com
